Twitch Commands

General Commands


Get a list of the commands created just for the channel


Get a count of the number of deaths for the current game


Get the total amount of time following the channel


Get a random quote from the channels history, or add a number to get a specific quote


!quote 69

Show the top 3 death counts and the game attached to them


Get the time the stream has currently been active for


Get the total amount of time spent watching the stream

Fun Commands


Rolls a d20

!roll X d Y

Will roll the X number of Y type of die


!roll 2d20
!roll X d Y +/- Z

Will roll the X number of Y type of die, then do math to the final answer


!roll 2d20-5

Tells a joke obtained from the API


Check to see if PhatBot will agree to be your Waifu or not (probably not)

VIP Commands

These are commands that are accessible to VIPs, Mods and Broadcasters

!death+ {number}

Add to the death counter for the current game being played. Leave blank for adding just 1, or add a number afterwards to add that many if several were missed


!death+ 5
!death- {number}

Remove a death from the counter for the current game being played. Leave blank for removing just 1, or add a number afterwards to remove that many if several were added in error


!death- 5
!quote+ Quote

Add a quote to the list of quotes for the channel


!quote+ I believe in the you believing in me

Moderator Commands

These commands are accessible to Moderators and Broadcasters

!setcommand Command Response

Create/Update a command unique to the channel. The command must be all 1 word but the Response can be much longer. Multiple Parameters are available to be used in the responses.


  • $user - The person issuing the command I.E. the viewer

  • $channel - The name of the channel

  • $title - The current title of the stream

  • $game - The current game / category name

  • $randnum - Get a random number between 1 and 100

  • $randuser - Get a random chatter, they must be active

  • $param - Accept the text after the command as input for the command (See Below for example)


!setcommand vibe Right now $user is vibing at $randnum%

This creates the command !vibe for the channel



Right now PhatBot is vibing at 69%

$param Example:

!setcommand so Check out @$param over at$param!

This creates the command !so for the channel

!so PhatBot


Check out @PhatBot over at!

!removecommand Command

Removes a created command from the channel


!removecommand vibe
!quote- number

Remove a quote from the list of quotes for the channel, must provide the number of the quote that is being removed


!quote- 2

Broadcaster Commands

These command must be run by you in your chat to work


Enable/Disable automatic shoutouts when raided. When enabled and raided PhatBot will use the built in Twitch /shoutout command as well as an annoucement



Configure the message PhatBot replies with for viewers using the !death command


  • $channel - The name of the channel

  • $deaths - The number of deaths for the game

  • $game - The title of the Game


!deathmessage p32RIP $channel has died $deaths times in $game

Configure the annoucement that PhatBot uses when raided and autoraid is enabled


  • $raider - The name of the channel that raided


!raider Thank you $raider for the raid! Check them out over at$raider p32O7
!sub message

Sets the message PhatBot will say when someone Subscribes


  • $sub - The name of the subscriber

  • $months - Cumulative count of months subscribed

  • $type - The type of Subscription (Prime, Tier 1, etc)


!sub $sub is coming in with a $type sub! Thank is amazing of you p32O7
!resub message

Sets the message PhatBot will say when someone Re-Subscribes. If the Sub message is configured and this is left unconfigured PhatBot will use the Sub message as the Re-Sub message.


  • $sub - The name of the subscriber

  • $months - Cumulative count of months subscribed

  • $streak - Their current sub streak

  • $type - The type of Subscription (Prime, Tier 1, etc)


!resub $sub is coming in for $months months with a $type sub! Thank is amazing of you p32O7
!giftsub message

Sets the message PhatBot will say when someone Gift subs


  • $sub - The name of the subscriber

  • $months - Cumulative count of months subscribed

  • $type - The type of Subscription (Prime, Tier 1, etc)

  • $gifter - The name of the gifter, if gifted as Anon the name will be displayed as “Anon”


!giftsub $gifter is handing $sub a $type sub! Thank is amazing of you p32O7
!communitysub message

Sets the message PhatBot will say when someone gives Community Subscriptions


  • $gifter - The name of the gifter, if gifted as Anon the name will be displayed as “Anon”

  • $count - The number of subs that were gifted

  • $type - The type of Subscription (Prime, Tier 1, etc)


!communitysub $gifter is handing $count $type subs to the chat! Thank is amazing of you p32O7
!updateping {On|Enabled|Enable|Yes|True}

Configure PhatBot to ping in Discord when stream details are updated like the title or game has changed


!updateping on
!updateping off

Note: PhatBot is specifically looking for On, Enabled, Enable, Yes, and True to activate the alert. Any other value will disable it.